Irfan Iqbal, Suwarto Suwarto


The performance of an institution such as the police, the role of leaders is one of the keys to the success of public service delivery. Therefore to realize the service delivery of police institutions for the community, the performance of each member of the police is needed professionally. This means that leaders in police institutions must be able to encourage their members to work with high work performance. This study aims to study: 1. The influence of the leadership role on the performance of Trimurjo Police Officers; 2. The influence of work culture on the performance of Trimurjo District Police officers; and 3. The influence of the leadership role on the work culture of Trimurjo police officers.

The study population was 40 members of Trimurjo Sub-district Police and as a sample determined using Slovin formula obtained 36 personnel. Data collection was carried out by using a questionnaire compiled by the researcher and tested with the number of valid instrument items each performance instrument 27 points (reliability coefficient = 0.946) instrument leadership role 26 items (reliability coefficient = 0.942), and work culture instruments 27 items ( reliability coefficient = 0.949).

The results of the study were analyzed including requirements and hypothesis testing using path analysis through SPSS version 16.0 software. The results of the study as follows: 1. The leadership role has a positive direct influence on the performance of Trimurjo Police officers with the magnitude of the path coefficient βyx1 = 0.246. These results place the factor of leadership role contributing to the performance of Trimurjo police officers at 6.10%. 2. The work culture has a positive direct effect on the performance of Trimurjo District Police officers with the magnitude of the βyx2 path coefficient = 0.686. These results place a factor of leadership role contributing to the performance of Trimurjo police officers by 47.10%. 3. The leadership role has a positive direct influence on the work culture of Trimurjo police officers with the magnitude of the βx2x1 path coefficient = 0.705. These results place the factor of leadership role contributing to the work culture of Trimurjo police officers at 49.70%.  


Keywords: leadership perception, achievement motivation, professional commitment.

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