Kesumadadi Health Center as one of the health facilities in the Central Lampung Regency work area, can not avoid the influence of reform in the health sector. With the condition of the community, which is increasingly critical of the quality of health services, the puskesmas can provide quality services.
Based on the analysis it can be concluded that there is an influence of work culture on the satisfaction of outpatients. This is because the work culture applied by the puskesmas has been good and can provide satisfaction to patients. There is an influence of services (servqual) on outpatient satisfaction. This is because the services (servqual) shown have been maximally given to patients so that patient satisfaction is fulfilled. There is the influence of work culture and service (servqual) on outpatient satisfaction. This is because the work culture and services (servqual) have been endeavored as much as possible so as to provide satisfaction to patients
Keywords: work culture, service, patient satisfaction
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