FIDUSIA : JURNAL KEUANGAN DAN PERBANKAN with registered ISSN: 2621-2447 (Online) and ISSN: 2621-2439 (Print) is a Publishes theoretical and empirical research across all the Economic major fields of financial and banking research. It serves as a forum for all the academicians, research scholars, scientists, and also for the industry people to share their finance and banking views and to publish their scholarly papers. The aim of the FIDUSIA : JURNAL KEUANGAN DAN PERBANKAN is to provide an outlet for the increasing flow of scholarly research concerning financial institutions and the money and capital markets within which they function. FIDUSIA : JURNAL KEUANGAN DAN PERBANKAN welcomes submissions of complete and original research manuscripts, which are not under review in any other conferences or journals. FIDUSIA : JURNAL KEUANGAN DAN PERBANKAN is a leading scientific journal for finance and banking in Indonesia as indexation of SINTA Dikti, Garuda, Crossreff and Google Scholar.